A Story of my life

United Kingdom, 1921

The first day I went to school I was very frightened and I cried to go home. Then teacher gave me some beads to play with until I had left off crying. Then I sat with a little boy I knew and I put all the letters and words I knew on a slate with different coloured chalks.
One day when I was puting my seat down I nipped my fingers and crushed my middle finger on my right hand. I did not go to school at the end of the week.
After I had got used to the school two of the big girls used to tease me and make me cry. I cannot remember much of my life until I got into standard one. Then I had a different teacher and she was stingy with the boys. I had the cane across my head once because I got one sum wrong.
I did not get the cane when I was in standard two and three.
Then we used to do our sewing in the same room as the big girls.
Sometimes we used to run errands for the teacher during the dinner time. When I was in standard five we had a new master and he is still here. This is the chief time of my school life.

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